Sunday, April 12, 2015

Dr. Carson at it Again, “LGBT Issues Should be Kept [in the closet] Personal”

I'll say it again, this is who people want as the next President of the United States? Another no-experience motivational gaffer? One has to wonder if Dr. Carson thinks before he speaks, which is rather ironic coming from a man who made his fortune working on brains. Okay, so maybe Carson didn't say gays should "stay in the closet," but he did say that gays and lesbians should keep their business at home and in the bedroom, which is where they want government and all us right-wingers to stay out of.   
I guess that is, anymore.

Perhaps Dr. Carson is still stinging from his latest queer gaffe - in a long line of gaffes - and the rebuff he got when he stated that being gay is a choice and that a lot of straight prison inmates come out gay, when they wind up someone’s “friend”. Wait, with no guns in prison, except for the law-man, rape and violence shouldn't exist in prisons, right? Oh, but that’s another topic for another day.

Religious discrimination, like discrimination on the basis of race or gender, is protected under the Constitution. Sexual orientation is not protected under the Constitution and LGBT groups are pushing for anti-discrimination laws tailored to protect members of that community.

Carson would not say whether he thinks religious groups or LGBT individuals received more protections under the law.
The intolerant irony is not lost on me, how 13 gay bakeries can get away with not making a “pro-hetero-marriage” cake, because it "goes against what they stand for." Oh, and it’s acceptable and not surprising for Muslim bakeries to turn away a “gay” request, but yet OMG the Christian is not only sued but crucified for doing the same thing?  Yet, there is no Christian persecuting in our Country. 

What slays me about fighting over a cake is, instead of acting like an adult and doing the shopping wisely and maturely, they want to get their panties in a wad and start a food fight like a bunch of spoiled sissy bitc*es, instead of going to a shop that will actually do what they ask.  Do you liberals go to a bar, when you want chocolate milk, or to church when you want a lap dance?
How do I know that there are places that will “do what they ask?” Easy, gays and lesbians have several searchable business directories. Now, before liberals go all victim mentality, “oh, it’s pathetic that they have to have a directory.” Christians have had a directory of Christian Businesses for over a decade, because of narrow-minded liberal idiots.  We support our own, first-and-foremost. 

Although Dr. Carson is a renowned neurosurgeon and a moving motivational speaker, much like Obama has the gift to stir people’s emotions; this “keep it in the closet” gaffe among all his other gaffes, divisive leanings and hints of Constitution double-mindedness shows me that Dr. Carson is far from ready to lead our Country as President of the United States.

Sadly, the LGBT have been fighting with Christians for so long over the word “marriage”, they’ve lost sight of what they wanted and now just enjoy being a bully over cake; when they could have been a joined couple with all the perks and benefits decades ago. However, they were too stubborn and short sided to think outside the box.  All they had to do was have Congress acknowledge Civil Unions as being equal to the rights and federal protections of “marriage,” and they would have conquered the so-called issues between the two. 

If this is what they were really after in the first place.  Honestly, I think they just wanted the word “marriage,” because it sounds better, but now even that has been changed to, “same-sex-marriage,” soon, it will be wrong to say the word, “gay” because that will be “derogatory” where once that word meant, “joyful and happy.” What word will they hijack next and be called then, I wonder? 

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