Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Millenials and healthcare

My now 17 month old grand daughter started getting sick over three months ago.

A raspy cough.

Tugging on her left ear.


Running lukewarm to fever pitch.

Wanting to be held because she just didn't feel good.

Playing half heartedly.

Crawling onto my lap because she hurts.

But I know nothing.

I've only been raising kids for 35 years.

I subtly suggest she may need to see a doctor.

What the hell do I know?

I'm only with her eight hours a day.

Five days a week.

She sees Pediatrician

The exam lasts two minutes...because medicaid.

Viral respiratory infection.

Fluid in left ear ear, but hey let's not get excited.

Let it run it's course.

What does it matter she is walking like a drunken sailor and can't navigate my living room?

Next patient!

 THREE months later...

A raspy cough.

Tugging on her left ear.


Running lukewarm to fever pitch.

Wanting to be held because she just didn't feel good.

Playing half heartedly.

Crawling onto my lap because she hurts.

Wanting to be held because she just didn't feel good.

Playing half heartedly.

Crawling onto my lap because she hurts.

But I know nothing.

 I tell d-in law the kid is STILL sick.

She seems surprised.

But takes the child to the same doctor.

I'm absolutely shocked...

Not really.

Not at all.

When the diagnosis is....

A raspy cough.

Tugging on her left ear.


Running lukewarm to fever pitch.

And hey, she has some fluid in her ear.


A week ago.

The girl is burning up with fever.

But it's different now because it's Saturday and mommy and daddy have her.

Not crazy me who knows nothing,

They take her to ER.

Miracle upon miracle!

Viral respiratory infection.

Steroid shot and get yer kid outta here.

BUT, follow up with her Pediatrician.

Ten days later...Today.

A raspy cough.

Tugging on her left ear.


Running lukewarm to fever pitch.

"There is no reason to take her to doctor. He wont do anything"

Coming from people who have never paid a dime into the system for healthcare like me and you do.

I guess showing up at the doctors office with a kid who has been sick for three months is to much to ask.

So, have I told y'all about the problem my grand daughter has with congestion when she breathes and a  horrible raspy cough...?

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