Friday, April 15, 2016

Weirdness in Seattle

By William McRight

I’ll begin this screed with sincere apologies to those of you who are rabid fans of my musings. It has been a while since my last post. I am sure both of you are disappointed in me. I landed a new “day job” that requires me to travel to the beautiful and slightly off kilter Pacific Northwest for a full month of onboard training. Kind of cool. A long time away from the lovely McRight Clan, but until Ecklebob can afford my YUGE, seven figure salary demands and Van Halen-esque contract riders (all communication devices fully new versions of Apple product, no brown M&M’s in my writing room bowl, daily deliveries of fresh white calla lilies to my hillside estate) I have to work the regular gig.

In any event, I find myself a conservative in a strange land.  I must say I have never been in a place of such striking beauty. I took some time last weekend to travel to the top (well, as close to the top as a non snow-shoed east coaster can get) of Mount Rainier. It is hardened evidence that God exists and he has an inspired aesthetic sensibility. The vistas, landscapes and valleys are so beautifully arranged and aligned that mere happenstance could not have set them in such a breathtaking arrangement. If you have the opportunity, take it in. I keep hurling all of these adjectives at you but you really have to be on it to understand.  It is fantastic.

Then we made the 90 minute drive to Seattle. Our traveling party made the call to stop at Bruno’s Family Restaurant in Eatonville. 2 for 2.

The Lord’s Hand at work on our planet followed up by chicken fried steak and a 7 ½ pound piece of blackberry pie with vanilla ice cream. I felt like an anaconda that had eaten a goat. No food required for the rest of the day.  Bruno’s is a winner.

Then we went to Seattle.

First, let me say Seattle is not without charm. Puget Sound is wonderful and Pike Place Market is full of unique quirkiness. Any place you’d go and the first thing you take in is a salmon flying through the air is worth the price of admission. I’d be willing to bet the touristas who went behind the counter to catch the fish are still washing their hands. And a side bit of advice, if someone sneezes, don’t say “Bless You” and if you do, prepare to be the recipient of a nasty scowl.  This is where the populace comes into play and the “weirdness” I mention in our title. Like most big cities, Seattle is a liberal enclave. Wrapped in a far left progressive cloak. Bathed in legal and readily available marijuana smoke. Kind of a dangerous triad. (No, Mr. Trump, we won’t ask about this triad. We are sure you’d not know what this one is either) The waterfront area at the end of Pike Place Market may have been having a bad day when I visited but there was quite an assemblage of folks in various stages of detachment from reality. I made the mental note that if I ever returned with my family, I’d deprive them of the great view of the Sound because of the nightmare of human wreckage gathered here. Perhaps this is undecidedly un-Christian of me, but these individuals need help and counseling and rehabilitation and guidance, not free needles and legal drugs all over the place. I am still working about how I feel about the experience an but early rating? Mount Rainier? 10+ Bruno’s? 10+ Seattle? Maybe a 6. And that is only because I endured the hour wait at the first Starbucks ever and got my skinny vanilla iced latte. Yes, Cruz voters enjoy overpriced sissy coffee drinks. Sue me. I would’ve enjoyed the first Starbucks more but for the giant be-dreadlocked dude with his ukulele singing “Making Whoopee” at the top of his lungs just two feet in front of my face. Much love for your bravado and abilities, but back up out of my grill.

Anyway, I will try and post when I can..but it will be light until May.

Stay frosty, friends.