Glenn Harlan Reynolds
France lost 10,000 millionaires last year. Meanwhile, Chicago is losing more millionaires than any other U.S. city. And the University of Missouri just closed two more dorms — for a total of four shut down this spring — because of plummeting enrollment.
What do these things have in common? The consequences of giving in to leftist demands, instead of focusing on the basics.
people want some pretty basic things from the powers-that-be: Safety,
freedom of movement and the opportunity to get ahead. Where these things
prevail, people tend to be pretty happy. Where they don’t, people tend
to be less so — and to vote with their feet when they have the
In France, the socialist government of Francois Hollande has jacked up taxes even as it has shown an increasing inability to protect the citizenry against crime and terrorism. So the people who can leave most easily — the millionaires — are setting out for greener pastures... READ MORE