Monday, March 21, 2016

#Election2016 - We’re Supposed to Believe

By William McRight

We’re supposed to believe that a man who has spent his life funding the Democrat party is now a Republican.

We’re supposed to believe that a man whose campaign manager assaults people on video and tells his campaign to lie about it, repeatedly, is anything but an awful person

We’re supposed to believe that a real estate developer with no legal or public service background has any working knowledge of the Constitution or governmental operations.

We’re supposed to believe that the same real estate developer who cites himself as an expert on foreign policy because of his good brain and propensity to say things.

We’re supposed to believe that a man who cannot mention an inspiring passage from the Bible, despite his knowledge of both Corinthians because it is too personal, is a practicing Christian.

We’re supposed to believe that a man who has been openly boastful about his extramarital dalliances and conquests is conservative OR Christian.

We are supposed to believe a man who wants to save “the good parts” of Planned Parenthood is in any ay conservative OR Republican.

We’re supposed to believe a man who clearly had or has no knowledge or understanding of the nuclear triad is worthy of our trust and consideration as Commander in Chief.

We’re supposed to believe that a man who lies and contradicts himself on two different networks in the same 30-minute stretch is trustworthy to govern in a manner befitting a leader.

We’re supposed to believe a man who suggests that his opponents are pathological, child molesters or liars is fit to hold office and represent our national interests.

We’re supposed to believe a man is a “common sense conservative” who when questioned and cornered on his positions retreats to the liberal position. Every single time.

We’re supposed to believe a man who cannot mention, convey or retell a story about his conversion to Republicanism or conservatism because he “tells it like it is.”

We’re supposed to believe media outlets whose “reporters” selectively omit negative information on a “front running” candidate while intentionally ignoring other candidates and their positions.

We’re supposed to believe that a candidate who has won exactly one state is still involved in a race for any other than selfish or nefarious reasons.

We’re supposed to believe celebrities or public officials who tell us our resistance to a candidate is meaningless and we should simply “fall in line.”

We’re supposed to believe that a candidate who has fought for the American people his whole career is on the “side of the protesters” when he says an opposing candidate is responsible for his and his campaign’s rhetoric.

We’re supposed to believe that a man who is too afraid to face another candidate in a one on one debate is worthy of consideration for the highest office in the land.

We’re supposed to believe that a candidate who conducts personal attacks, not to a detractors face, but via a petulant and incorrectly spelled Tweet storm is anything other than a national embarrassment.

We’re supposed to believe that despite all of what we see, hear and observe about a candidate that he will do a complete 180 degree turn and govern as a conservative.

We’re supposed to believe a candidate who will have to testify in a fraud case brought against him is not an amazingly vulnerable and flawed candidate.

We’re supposed to believe that a candidate “telling it like it is” is the most important trait in selecting a leader of our nation.

We’re supposed to believe public officials who have received tens of thousands of dollars in donations to their campaigns, charities and churches are in no way biased in terms of their endorsements of the donating candidate.

We’re supposed to believe that a media complicit in the rise of an unqualified and ill prepared candidate will not be complicit in tearing him to shreds in the general election.

We’re supposed to believe the conservative media stalwarts who fought against liberalism for decades are now willfully suspending disbelief for any other reason but profit and personal gain.

We’re supposed to believe our nation can, after the last seven years, survive the rise of an unqualified authoritarian populist who in no way espouses the core principles of the party he may represent.

 I don’t believe a single word of it. Any of it. We are being conned.

Oh, and this. The Definitive Roundup of Trump’s Scandals and Business Failures

There is still time to stop this disaster and choose a reliable Constitutional conservative.

Arizona and Utah, please, for the sake of our Republic, choose wisely.

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