Thursday, March 17, 2016

Did open primaries doom the GOP to the Trump phenomenon?

By Rob Janicki

How did Donald Trump seemingly manage to put the GOP down for the count?  Not much mention has been made about the GOP primary process and this appears to be what may have led to the Trump phenomenon and here's why.

A little known fact is that the GOP, quite possibly to attract crossover voters from disenchanted Democrats and Independents, appears to have made what could be a fatal mistake by allowing some states to conduct open primaries.  Now, on the surface that would seem almost innocuous.  Here's the catch.  There were indeed crossover voters coming from somewhere and they have had a major impact on determining the Republican presidential candidate beyond their numbers.

The Republican Party, in essence, has outsourced a major portion of its primaries to voters who are not Republicans.  In other words, a significant number of non-Republicans have been determining who the Republican nominee would be.  Sounds crazy, but the facts tend to support that thought.

The primaries that Trump lost were primaries closed to only registered Republicans and the primaries Trump won were open primaries letting anyone vote regardless of their previous or current party registration.  Are you beginning to see the picture?  Will the Republicans see this as a detriment to the Republican primary process in the future?  If history tells us anything about the Republican Party, they will not see open primaries as a detriment to their candidate selection process. 

Basically, the Republicans let mischievous interlopers manipulate the primary system to their advantage to quietly and surreptitiously commandeer serious control of the Party.  Welcome to the Party of Trump, formerly the Republican Party.  Some will say the Republican Party deserves this monster they have created and they may be right.  In any, event this may well explain, among other things, the Trump phenomenon.

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