Wednesday, February 3, 2016

Queen of Unaccountability Speaks – “Gun Makers should be Held Accountable for Endangering Americans”

By Elizabeth Nelson

I’ve heard of candidates reaching and promising the unattainable, but while on her run for the White House, the Queen of Unaccountable, Hillary Clinton is so far out there, even NASA can’t reach her.  Did you catch her tweet last week, and we know it’s her Tweet because it’s signed with her tell-tell “–H”? 

Oh, pay attention, because if she’s actually made President, by her sheeple, this is scarier than her last Iowa Caucus promise of, “I will continue to do what I’ve done all my life.”
“Gun Makers should be held accountable for endangering Americans. I voted against immunity – it’s time to repeal it. – H

So, now she wants to hold gun makers accountable for the deeds of the shooter?  Why stop there? Why not make car and alcohol manufacturers accountable for DUIs, alcoholism and cirrhosis of the liver and Fork and Spoon manufacturers responsible for obesity?

Oh, but I digress, this woman has no understanding of the word accountability.  Especially when just Sunday she was blaming the GOP for bringing up Benghazi and the illegal “Top Secret” emails that were on her sever. 

This is very much like Benghazi,” Clinton said during an exclusive interview on ABC's “This Week with George Stephanopoulos." “Republicans are going to continue to use it, beat up on me. I understand that. That's the way they are.”  
Read more ABC News

People are buying all of the “feel-good” promises, without a solid plan of action, and all of the same bull shyte that won Obama votes. 

Why should we go through all the trouble to pick up a shovel and dig through the shyte ourself, when it’s being shoveled for us?  A lazy, un-informed America got us into this mess and it will finish the job, if we ALLOW it.  America, when someone shows you who they are, believe them and stop making excuses for them.

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