Thursday, February 4, 2016

Iowa - Character vs. Characters – Political Footballs & Sour Grapes

By Elizabeth Nelson
Tale of two Iowas. We’ve heard two stories, those who say Ted Cruz won Iowa and those who say Ted Cruz stole Iowa, it all depends on which camp you’re in.  I have an opinion, but so do half a million other people.  Opinions are like butts, some are beautiful and some really should be covered in 6 feet of cement, never to see the light of day again.

I find Carson’s whining about the votes telling, because he was never going to win in Iowa, he’s barely a notable candidate. Carson is not letting go of the issue. “A culture exists within the Cruz camp that would allow people to take advantage of a situation like this in a very dishonest way,” Carson told Bill O’Reilly.  He’s been behind in every poll.  What with his many gaffes and weak stand on the 2nd Amendment.

It’s even entertaining that Trump is whining about the votes, because he very well could have been the winning benefactor of this staffer’s mistake or alleged plot. At this point, we don’t know what their motive.  All we do know is, Carson wasn’t going to come out on top he just didn’t have the votes.
The problem we now have with Iowa is, Ted Cruz has a rouge staffer that, whether he/she had bad information or decided on their own to create bogus information, has created an interesting predicament for Senator Cruz as well as shining a light on Trump’s Character.   

Just like Christy’s Bridgegate, when he didn’t know what his staff was doing. Cruz has already apologized, now he has an opportunity to “clean house” before the next debate and prove that “the buck stops with person on top.”

However, like I said earlier, this isn’t shining a great light on Trump’s character, because he’s going around besmirching Ted Cruz himself, “I think what he did to Ben Carson was terrible” and the tweet “Based on the fraud committed by Senator Ted Cruz during the Iowa Caucus, either a new election should take place or Cruz results nullified.”  How is this any less dirty, than what Senator Cruz staffer did? But Trump is doing it knowing full well, Cruz isn’t the one who said these things?

When no where did they ever say, Cruz told the staffer to repeat incorrect information or that he ever had knowledge of it.  Yet, Trumpets, like Obamazombies are enjoying repeating this.  They don’t stop and think, if Trump had been the recipient of Carson’s votes, and I’m sure some DID vote for Trump, those votes weren’t fraudulent, right?

It will be interesting to see how Cruz recovers from this.  It’s now what happens when you get knocked down, but what happens after you get back up.  

IF character is a Presidential Prerequisite, America, why isn’t the Mainstream media is asking Trump about the women he made sexual advances too, while he was married. We know the story will conveniently come out, if it’s Trump vs. Hillary Or discussing Carson’s Racist gaffes or gaffes that slight America and her patriots?  The candidate that

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