Monday, January 11, 2016

Oh, Twitter. Say it ain’t so.

ROTW Contributor: Angela Durden

Dear Twitter,
Before you existed, you didn’t, and the world communicated just fine. Then you came along and, through the wonders of technology, you facilitated adding to existing conversations those who never had a voice before. You saw these oppressed and said, “Hey, we’ll help them get the word out about the plight of more of the little people and help the world know about violent regimes’ inner workings.”
I was proud of you at that time. I said 140 characters would be a force for good.
But at this juncture, you’re just shooting your global foot. And using metaphorical hollow points to shoot it slam off. And shutting down free speech from dissenting voices in Germany, of all things? You know Hitler did that, right? You know what followed? There’s lots of really good books and movies and documentaries I can recommend to bring you up to speed. Just say the word, sweeties, and that list is yours.

I know your HQ is in SF. Evidence has been around for quite some time that the tech sector there has its head stuck so far up the Professionally Politically Offended’s backside that many IPOs now make a lot of sense: They couldn’t see anything for the dark surrounding them.
In the meantime, following such a course…well, here in the South we’d say about such as that, “Aaaahhh, bless your heart. You’re a special kind of stupid, ain’t ya?”
Angela K. Durden, also known as @Lovedoggey of the So Few Followers I’m Not On Anybody’s Radar…Yet