Friday, January 1, 2016

My Pet's Resolution for 2016

by Kim D.

Four years ago on Christmas Eve, we lost a dear family member, Joey, our Lab/Chow mix. We had another dog, a Bichon Frise, who didn't like being alone, so within three months we quickly found a companion for her. Too quickly. Had I taken the time to research more, we wouldn't have our resident Tasmanian Devil, Beau, a Boykin Spaniel.

Even though Boykins are kid and other dog-breed friendly and overall have a fantastic disposition, the males are rather bad about marking territory despite neutering and training. In February, Beau will be four years old and he's just as bad about hosing down my laundry basket as he was when he was only a puppy.

If dogs could make New Year resolutions, I think Beau would attempt to appease me and say he would try to stop his rather nasty pee problem, but I doubt he would be able to keep his promise as evidenced by his actions already this morning on January 1, 2016.
It appears, though, I am not alone. If you hadn't noticed, this morning #PetResolutions2016 is already trending on Twitter:

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