Wednesday, November 18, 2015

The abject failure of Barack Obama to lead America and the free world

By Rob Janicki

President Obama has been called many things by many people, but being an effective and dynamic leader has not been one of those tags, unless you are a liberal sycophant of the Cult of Obama.

Fundamentally, Obama does not believe in America's exceptionalism and never has.  That is simply not part of his understanding and thinking of an America as the greatest hope and advocate for liberty and freedom in the world.  Meanwhile, the rest of the free world looks to America for its traditional leadership on the global stage since World War II, only to repeatedly be disappointed with Obama's leading from the rear

Obama at his core has never adopted the culture and values of what it means to be an American.  And why should he?  Since his birth, Obama has been raised and mentored by Marxist socialists of every stripe, from his mother to his grand parents to Frank Marshall Davis to his many college associations with Marxists to his adult life filled with left wing ultra radicals.

Barack Obama's belief system has been cultivated both externally by his many associations with leftists and by his own internalized understanding of how the world works, which he views as unacceptable.  With all the leftist influences, it's not difficult to understand how his world views have been warped by the overarching one world view of Marxist socialism.

Essentially, Barack Obama believes America and its foreign policies are and always have been the root problem preventing peace in the world.  When Obama believes that the America he sees all around him is ideologically corrupt and bankrupt and the cause of all problems as he perceives them, then logically his thinking tells him that all that has come before him, must be destroyed in order to start over with a new world vision as he, and only he, understands it should become.

While America and the rest of the free world becomes less stable because of Barack Obama, the enemies of freedom and liberty multiple in numbers and in strength with which they will come at America and its allies for one purpose and that is to destroy Western Civilization as we know it.  

As Obama stubbornly stands by his supposed strategy in dealing with radical Islamic jihadis and does nothing, the numbers of these radical Islamic jihadis grows with each passing day.  Meanwhile, Barack Obama does less than nothing to prevent this cancerous growth on the world, despite the calls from many corners to change his failing policies aimed at the forces of evil, but which he treats as something less than cataclysmic.   

Obama's fecklessness and do nothing foreign policy invites with open arms, more aggression from these same forces of savage inhumane brutality bent upon their apocalyptic vision of Islam engaged in armageddon against all infidels until Allah prevails and destroys all non-believers of the one true Islam as they see it. 

When the forces of pure evil prepare to engage infidels in armageddon, it is incumbent upon the civilized world to rise up and destroy that pure evil with no holds barred.  This is not a Marquis of Queensbury engagement of differing philosophies to be settled by diplomats of differing views sitting around in negotiations.  It is a battle of epic proportions to determine the future of the world and all those people in it that seek to maintain and expand liberty and freedom to all those who wish to be free.

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