Sunday, November 1, 2015

Don't Nunchuck Me Bro

by Kim D.

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Beginning in California (and perhaps coming to a state near you), police are training to use nunchucks to subdue criminals and/or mentally unstable citizens. According to KRCR News, the police will not wear body cams but rely on plastic nunchucks, tethered with a nylon rope - much like Mr. Lego Guy demonstrates.

You can't make this stuff up but you can roll your eyes and shake your head, knowing, once again, the powers that be are not interested in the causes of crime. They are only interested in gimmicky ways to attack those who commit crime. Wait, just wait, until a member of the #BlackLivesMatter is caught on tape hysterically screaming, "Don't nunchuck me, bro." Mark my words . . . this won't end well.

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