Thursday, October 1, 2015

What Will Be the Capitulator-in-Chief's Next Move? #Russia #Syria

by Kim D.
Thanks to America's back-seat position on world affairs, Putin has taken the lead.  You know it's bad when Piers Morgan writes derogatory things about Obama while praising the Russian leader:
Piers has the sentiment right but perhaps Putin's motivation wrong in regard to the conflict in Syria? Is it about ISIS or could it be more about oil, dominance in the Middle East, and a pipeline to Russia? Yesterday Russia began airstrikes in Syria, but curiously none of them targeted known ISIS strongholds. Instead the airstrikes appear to have been aimed at US backed Syrian rebels. However, as of an hour ago, Russia claims overnight strikes successfully took out four ISIS targets.

So what will be Obama's next move in his quest to remove Assad? Prediction: absolutely nothing and Putin's take-charge aggression into the Syrian conflict has given our capitulator-in-chief the perfect cover. Had Obama been successful in ousting Assad, more than likely ISIS would have moved in and taken over. Now that Russia is taking the lead and, for now, protecting the Assad regime, Obama can simply sit back and do nothing more than spout the feckless talk.

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