Sunday, October 4, 2015

In the Midst of Evil, Rise Up and Claim #IAmAChristian

by Kim D.

How would you react if a purveyor of pure evil asked you to stand and state your faith, knowing that admitting you were Christian would be a death sentence? I can't imagine being in those circumstances and can't help but wonder if I would have the strength to look evil in the eye and stay true to my faith. That's the position several students were in during the Umpqua Community College shooting.

Whenever a tragedy like this occurs, the trend seems to be screaming about gun control. Rarely do we hear more common-sense solutions, like not making schools targets by proclaiming them gun-free zones. An immediate deterrent would be investing into armed guards at all schools and making it known that a would-be gunman will receive resistance to a plot to terrorize students.

The trend also appears to be giving the terrorist fame by broadcasting every detail of his or her horrific rampage. This needs to stop as well, especially where targeting Christians appears to be part of the motive. Instead the focus should be on the well-being of injured victims and for the families of those who pay the ultimate price. The focus should be on sending a strong message to the next would-be seeker of notoriety, and in the midst of this latest tragedy some followed Dr. Ben Carson's lead and took to Twitter to claim they are Christians in solidarity with those asked to state their faith before being slaughtered.

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