In the spy craft trade, going dark means going under cover to operate surreptitiously and unseen, while being given a completely different cover story to throw off pundits, prognosticators and investigative journalists.
That said, I watched Joe Biden give a three minute speech, or so, on Wednesday from the Rose Garden at the White House with his wife and President Obama looking on. It took Joe just a few sentences to tell the world that he was not running for the Democratic nomination for President of the United States.
What I found interesting is that Joe then rambled on, as he often does when speaking, to give an obtuse hint, "tell" or indication that he would run, if called upon.
Called upon by whom, I wondered?
Perhaps the DNC or Barack Obama would call upon Joe, should something politically catastrophic happen to the leading Democratic candidate along the campaign process. No, I am not portending something will physically happen to the most corrupt woman in American political history, just that something unforeseen could arise that would prove insurmountable to a candidate in the midst of a national campaign seeking the presidential nomination of the Democratic Party. So, what kind of situation could arise that would derail a Hillary nomination?
I have this nagging little critter on my shoulder telling me that the Department of Justice could easily bring multiple felony charges against Hillary over her use of a personal and private email server, during her tenure as Secretary of State, that received and transmitted government documents involving national security material, all in violation of many federal laws.
Furthermore, that little critter on my shoulder told me that a close personal White House advisor, always standing behind Obama's shoulder, has persuaded him to let the FBI investigation run its course and then have the Department of Justice bring charges against Hillary in the midst of her campaign.
Since it's an open secret in Washington, D.C. that there is no love lost between the Obama's and the Clinton's, it certainly is a plausible possibility to those who want to believe in the dark side of government and the politics that run government office holders and their decisions.
Should the above scenario happen, what choice would the DNC or Obama have to save the party from an ignominious defeat by the Republicans in the general election? Obama, as titular head of the Democratic Party, would be looked upon for guidance and leadership in selecting an electable candidate for the general election. Everyone knows Bernie Sanders is unelectable and the other two bozos in the candidate pool are likewise unelectable to the seventh magnitude. That leaves only one person with a national following and a life time of holding elected office at the federal level, to step into the void.
Enter who else but Joe Biden, stage right, accepting the nomination in another press conference in the White House Rose Garden with President Obama, beaming with those pearly whites, off to Joe's right hand.
Even if Joe were to lose in the general election, Barack Obama would, by force of his personality and political connections, remain the titular head of a fractured Democratic Party going forward and would not have to take a back seat to Hillary at any time in the future, which is something Obama could never tolerate.
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