Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Donald Trump and his schizophrenic campaign of personal attack.

By Rob Janicki

How much longer can Donald Trump continue to attack other Republican candidates with personal ad hominem smears?  Apparently the answer is as long as it keeps his exposure up in the free media.  Trump has taken to heart the adage that any news coverage is good since it keeps him in the forefront of the daily news coverage cycle.  

The liberal MSM has to believe that Trump is a Godsend for them, since his outrageous comments made on a daily basis practically write their own headlines for the liberal media to parrot.  Let's face it.  Donald Trump is single handedly propping up a sinking liberal media, which has found a revenue gold mine with their coverage of Trump.  If it wasn't for their coverage of Trump, who would even read or watch these liberal media outlets?

Does Trump really believe the outrageous comments he makes on a regular basis?  I'm sure of two things here.  Trump does believe in some of those outrageous comments he shoots off, but most of those comments are for theatrical purposes.  Let's not forget that Trump learned the art of insult and character assassination from his reality television, The Apprentice, a wildly successful program pandering to an audience that can't be confused with a Mensa members meeting.

Don Rickles may be the master of the comedic insult, but Donald Trump has learned the benefits of the political smear and insult, no matter who they are directed at.  It's all about the media coverage that results from Trump's outrageous comments and it's all free coverage.  Donald Trump, dumb like a fox, has managed to avoid spending one dime of his own money on any political advertising.  Instead, Trump has masterfully used the social media to project his political image as an "authentic", no nonsense, hard hitting outsider and non-politician. 

Trump has made political videos for pennies and posted them on You Tube and watched them go viral, all at no real cost to him.  He has his own Facebook account on which he posts regularly, as well as a Twitter account that he also regularly uses to reach out and attack anyone and everyone he deems to be a challenge to his campaign, be they Republicans, Democrats or celebrities that are convenient targets for his often venomous and reprehensible insults.  It's all part of his manipulation of the free media and admittedly, he does a masterful job of it.

Donald Trump is the P.T. Barnum of the 21st century and will be remembered for his explosion on the Republican political scene, long after he has dropped out of the 2016 Republican presidential nomination campaign.  In the end, Donald Trump will go back to being the real-estate mogul that he is and his leverage in making the "art of the deal" will only be enhanced by his performance in this presidential cycle.  In the final analysis, Donald Trump will be financially better off for the current campaign experience and will use it to his advantage in his business dealing going forward.

My hat goes off to Donald Trump for his masterful self promotion.  There is no one better at self promotion than Donald Trump, no one.

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