Monday, October 5, 2015

Barack Obama - Simple Simon on the World Stage

By Rob Janicki

Once again, President Obama has used, for his own political purposes, the mass shooting incident in Roseburg, Oregon, to distract Americans from his obvious malfeasance in his latest failed foreign policy administration in Syria and elsewhere.

Obama, the narcissist, cannot and will not ever admit that his world view theory of foreign relations is an utter failure.  Obama's theory of international relations with friends and foes simply does not reflect reality at any level of rational cognition.

Essentially, Obama, in a haughty, pouting and derisive manner, has figuratively taken the game ball and declared victory over his counterpart, Russia's Vladimir Putin, because Putin was not playing the game according to Obama's delusional rules of foreign diplomacy and engagement.  Telling the world that Putin has overplayed his hand in the Crimea, Eastern Ukraine and now Syria, is simply counter to the facts on the ground.  Not to wear out a comparison made by many, but Obama has been playing tiddlywinks, while Putin has masterfully been playing chess.  And the chess master is ahead by all accounts and the facts on the ground.

Putin has quietly and methodically gobbled up territory, or, in the case of Syria, brought together a murderous cabal of international players in the form of Syria, Iran and now, junior partner Iraq, into an alliance to destroy all opposition to the administration of Syrian dictator, and mass murderer, Bashar Assad.  Syria is a surrogate state of both Russia and Iran, which have propped up Syria's dictator.  And Obama, all the while, has done nothing whatsoever to stem the murderous tide of slaughter of innocent civilians in Syria, while 250,000 Syrian civilians in opposition to Assad, have been exterminated in a mini holocaust of sorts.

So how does Obama answer his critics for his foreign policy failures?  He deflects the arguments put forth for his malfeasance and misdirects attention to a small rural corner of America, where a mentally disordered sociopath decided he was not being accorded his rightful due respect in society and thus was forced by society to kill as many people as possible to gain society's attention to his personal plight and the injustice of it all. 

Obama as the illusionist.  If Obama was only half as good as the leader of America and the free world as he is at creating and perpetuating a false illusion of a world order that does not exist, maybe the world would be a better and safer place and America would have recovered long ago from its almost seven year economic malaise.  

But. alas, Obama is a captive of his own terrible ideological creation and narcissism .  Stuck in an ideological maze originally created by his many leftist mentors all the way back to his earliest years, Obama has built his own mental house of ideological horrors upon those fallacies.  Obama has no other frame of reference and thus there is no chance for him to change or pivot from his current political path leading along the road toward destruction of western civilization as we know it.  The only question is whether America and the world will be able to survive the remainder of Obama's term of office ending on January 20, 2017?

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