Wednesday, September 2, 2015

The time has come for some of the GOP presidential hopefuls to call it a day

By Rob Janicki
I hate to be the bearer of bad tidings, but I also like to look
reality square in eye and separate what might have been with what
needs to be.  If the GOP, and its multitude of presidential aspirants,
expects their worst nightmare, Donald Trump, to walk off into the
sunset any time soon, they need to disabuse themselves of that fantasy
right now.  Trump is here to stay and he knows he's in the driver's
seat as he watches the rest of the GOP field, or at least some of
them, twist in the wind as they attempt to play Trump's very own game
of personal attack politics.  That's just not a good game plan.  Trump
is so much better at it then any of them might think they are, that
it's almost laughable.

Let's agree on a given to continue this little epistle.  Candidates
such as Jim Gilmore, George Pataki, Lindsey Graham, Bobby Jindal, Rick
Santorum, and Rick Perry have no real chance in this world to win the
GOP nomination.  There I said it.  They don't have a chance in Hell
and it's time they moved off stage, literally.  Waiting will only
result in the same outcome for each of them and in the campaign
process it will only continue to muddy the polling and make Trump look
better than he really might be.

Chris Christie, Mike Huckabee and Rand Paul may have a slim chance of
winning the nomination if all the political planets and stars are
aligned perfectly.  Some would say these three don't even have a slim
chance, because Slim and Chance are out of town and not expected to
return during this campaign season.  Even a bookie would be hard
pressed to come up with odds of their winning unless they have a Cray
super computer that could compute the odds that far out.

I'm not here to make a GOP presidential pick.  Instead, I'm looking to
thin out the herd through a nice convivial process of illustration to
develop a self awareness I hope these guys perceive sooner rather than
later.  Just do the right thing guys.  We'll probably think more of
you, if you do.

Their dropping out will help their supporters to find a new political
home among the remaining herd  members and the possibility of aligning
themselves with a candidate that actually has a chance of defeating
the GOP's own in-house nightmare and then winning the GOP nomination
to challenge the refuse that remains of the Democrat hopefuls.

With that thinning of the herd accomplished before the first frost is
on the Halloween pumpkin, the GOP should have a real field of
candidates that will more closely resemble what voters are looking for
and are willing to actually support and vote for in the primaries.

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