Saturday, May 30, 2015

Let's Do This!

By Founders Girl
Cross Posted at American Woman

Flashback: 2014 Election. Joy & elation. Can you hear us now? We are the conservative majority of a nation that is fed up with leftist agenda. I'm ready to tackle 2016 & I think we have a great selection of viable candidates. So when, exactly do we get to commit to a front-runner?

Are we waiting for the clearly ideal candidate to emerge? Bad news friends, it isn't going to happen like that. Remember in 2012 when the man of the hour would rise to the top and then get shredded and dismissed? All the while the kool-aid sippers watched with glee as conservatives imploded from the inside out. Democrats (living or otherwise) ran out and voted for their savior while some of us held our noses just to vote against Obama & others stayed home and pouted. Welcome to another 4 years of fundamental change.

Being the party of individualism makes it rough to come to a solid consensus, but can not wait around for the process of elimination to make the choice clear! If we are not united in enthusiasm for a specific conservative candidate we will find ourselves united on disgust when the GOP hands Jeb the nomination.

The sooner we have a candidate to get behind the better! While poking fun at Hillary's cankles, endless pantsuits, & scandalous behavior is fun, it is NOT going to convince a single Democrat not to vote for her. Honestly, defending an unworthy, pitiful candidate appeals to their appetite for social justice. If there is anything at all we could learn from the left, it's a little loyalty. I'm not saying we should accept any politician without holding them accountable, but it's time to look at the big picture and acknowledge that just about any conservative would be better than Hillary!!

Is it wrong to be filled with anticipation over the chance to get this great nation back on track ASAP?!? I'm hearing the most support for Cruz & Walker in my little Twittersphere. Who's it gonna be? Let's commit already! I have my political pom-poms* out & I am ready to rally the masses - lets do this!! 

* F-no, I have never been a cheerleader. Far too snarkastic for that. ;P

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