Monday, May 11, 2015

Does anyone really care at this point in time?

By Rob Janicki
I'm talking about the polling on announced and unannounced, but
presumed candidates, for the November 8, 2016, presidential election.

Only diehard political junkies and political party operatives have any
interest this far out.  Even then, most political operatives realize
that so much can happen between now and the presidential primaries in
the first half of 2016, that it is virtually impossible to determine
who the the presidential candidates will be for each party, let alone
how the party choices match up in a head to head competition for the
hearts and minds of voters across America.

Until the presidential primary season gets underway in 2016, all the
polling we see is simply background noise, although each party will
jump at each polling blip to either promote their party candidate or
denigrate the chances of the opposing party's chances of winning the
2016 presidential election.

I can't remember a presidential election cycle that has begun this far
out in time.  I'm wondering if this could be a turn off for the
average voter, especially Independent voters and those who are not
consistent party line voters.

What I find this early in the "silly season" as I like to call the
presidential election process, is how liberals in the MSM are
characterizing the Republican primary process.  When there were only
three declared Republicans running for their party's nomination, they
were collectively referred to as riding in the Republican Clown Car.
Now that more Republican candidates have announced their candidacy or
have announced a date they will officially enter the Republican
presidential primary race, the liberal MSM have expanded their snarky
commentary to calling the Republican candidates as riding the
Republican Clown Bus.  Not much imagination here, but that seems to be
all the liberal MSM have these days, snark and sarcasm, the product of
small minds.

The only serious question that the MSM should be asking is whether
Hillary Clinton will be able to overcome the collective scandals that
center around her performance as Secretary of State.  And on that
count, we have yet to hear any genuine analysis, which is actually
expected from the liberal MSM and serious answers from their
candidate, Hillary Clinton.  You just won't find the liberal MSM
seriously investigating Hillary's many acts of unethical conduct or
the potential for Hillary to be charged for criminal activity,
although some MSM will tap dance around the periphery of these
compelling scandals.  It's there, but don't expect the unofficial
liberal Democrat MSM to deviate from their real role as the Democrat
Party mouthpiece and propaganda machine.

1 comment:

  1. MSM....nothing more than Democrats calling themselves the media...
