Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Sir #EltonJohn: Intolerant Queen or Hypocritical Bitch? #BoycottDolceGabbana

by Kim D.

Just three days ago, Sir Elton John had his panties in a wad over comments made by fashion designer Stefano Gabbana to Panorama magazine expressing an opinion about the value of a traditional family.  According to CNN, in speaking as to why he never had children, Gabbana shared his thoughts against in-vitro fertilization, referring to these children as "synthetic" and being born from "rented" wombs.
"No chemical children: life has a natural course, there are things that shouldn't be modified, . . . the importance of relationships within conventional families with very, very traditional values"

On Sunday night Elton John took to Instagram and vented his frustration over Gabbana's opinion:

Obviously Sir Elton was just being caught up in a "do as I say, not as I do" moment which is modus operandi of most hypocritical and intolerant liberal progressive thinkers of our day. How else would explain why he was spotted sporting a Dolce & Gabbana shopping bag a mere two days after his hissy fit?

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