Wednesday, March 18, 2015

Herzog/Obama vs. Netanyahu, The Vote in Israel was for: "Hope and Change"

We all know that in 2008 and again in 2012 Iran Endorsed, and the Sudanese Muslim Brotherhood Leader Endorsed Obama back in 2012, but Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Sudan’s veteran Islamist leader Hassan al-Turabi did it from their homes.  

Can any of us imagine if they had sent an "advisory team," funded by their State Department, in an attempt to overthrow the incumbent leader? That is exactly what Obama did.

It's not hard to hear that one of the "advisors" that Obama sent to try and undermine Netanyahu's election was more than likely Obama's campaign speech writer.  I guess Obama figured if his sheep were stupid enough to swallow the lie, Netanyahu's people would be stupid enough to swallow it too?  See if you can spot Obama contribution in Herzog's campaign speech.

"The nation will decide who its leaders will be. The elections are about hope. Whoever wants despair and disappointment should vote for Bibi [Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu] but those who want hope and change should vote for me," Herzog said.  Read More Jerusalem Post
It's not hard to understand why Obama sees Netanyahu as a threat, in Bibi is a real leader and the thwarting of his plan for Iran to go nuclear.  When Obama and Bibi get together, his anti-Semitic mask slips and the real Obama shines through.   We caught a true glimpse of the true Obama, when he let his true nature, about Christians and Jews, be known that we, "are a challenge", just "bitter Bible clingers, clinging to our guns and our religion."
I must admit, I slept better last night, after Bibi's victory, than I did after either of Obama's "wins."  His "miraculous" win proves that Israel and Bibi don't need America, Obama's intervention or interference.  What it shows us is that we will need them more than they will need us, when the time comes.   I can't wait to hear Obama's public congratulatory speech to Bibi. #WhenHellFreezesOver

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