Thursday, March 19, 2015

2016 Presidential Potential - Governor Scott Walker: Drug Test Welfare Recipients

Drug Testing Welfare Recipients is a huge sticking point for me, as a contract employee in Florida. My Governor, Rick Scott, had actually tried to get our Welfare policy changed, to where drug testing recipients was a requirement to qualify for benefits and to keep them.  However, our bass-ackward court system declared that it was unconstitutional to do so.  He fought it for a while, then instead of wasting taxpayer funds, he eventually dropped his appeals.

The reason this is a sticking point for me is, if it's "unconstitutional" to drug test people who are on their "State's payroll," in order to not only qualify for welfare benefits but to continue to get a tax-payer funded check, why isn't it equally "unconstitutional" for me, as a contract employee, to continue to get drug tested in order to qualify to get a job?

But as a Republican working toward his party's 2016 nomination, Walker has little downside to pushing an idea that typically polls well even among general election voters, including those in Wisconsin. Politically, Walker wins whether the plan succeeds or is blocked by the courts and a Democratic president who's deeply unpopular with GOP primary voters.

Of course it's blocked by the DNC, they'd rather keep their people enslaved and voting Democrat.  The people will continue to vote for the party that continues to feed and clothe them, while they sit on the couch, right?

"Politically unpopular," because why would the abusers want to stay clean? They may actually start to feel better about themselves and begin to feel motivated enough to get an education and go out to get that job that will pay more than welfare does.

What is it about these enabling, liberal idiots that continue to make excuses for these weak-minded people?  "It's racist and stigmatizing to make them pee in a cup," or "it's racist and oppressing to get an ID" when getting welfare requires an ID by law.  This is further proof that people will rise or fall to the level of the bar you set for them, treat people like children and that's the emotional mentality that they will rise to.
What, you think this is a ploy to turn Welfare back into a safety net and not a high price hammock? "Look, he's just trying to take away my welfare benefits and send me back to work. He's just like Romney."

However, the best Carson quote would have to be, when he told the crowd at CPAC, “I’m not interested in getting rid of the safety net; I’m interested in getting rid of dependency.”  In case you can't read between the lines, that means, no more hand outs, just hand ups; to pull you out of the ditch you find yourself in, but once you're out of the ditch you're on your own.

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