Friday, March 25, 2016

Pray for Father Tom #GoodFriday

by Kim D.

I went to bed angry about Donald Trump and his Twitter feed and woke up in similar fashion until I saw a tweet that, thankfully, redirected my focus:

Thanks Patty Girl! For those who don't follow her, click here and rectify that problem. Sometimes it takes a strong voice from someone of a high moral character to snap you out of that funk and redirect you to things that matter. Heidi Cruz matters - for the record, so does Melania Trump, but this Twitter war of the wives and sensational Ted Cruz affairs' rumors do not.

Today is Good Friday - a school, business and religious holiday. It marks the day Christ died on the cross. This day always comes two days prior to Easter which commemorates the miracle of Jesus' resurrection. The mood this Good Friday is depressing while we await the fate of Father Tom who may meet the same fate as Christ and face crucifixion. The Mirror reports:

It shows where media values are when they report non-stop about candidate feuds and a dancing president yet give little attention to a tragic event that appears more imminent by the minute.

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