This is the Leata Cabalero, and
it is probably the worst automobile in America. Actually, there's no
"probably" about it: This feculent lump of eyesore has actually won an
award for being terrible, the zero-prestige Worst of Show trophy at
Concours d'Lemons. Built in Idaho for a single year, 1977, the car is
utterly horrible and entirely without merit. So I'm going to drive it.
Wednesday, March 23, 2016
I Drove the Worst Car in America
There are any number of things wrong with the
Cabalero. Take, for example, the appearance, something like a
malnourished, stunted Chrysler Cordoba. Also, it's based on a Chevrolet
Chevette, which is never a good place to start anything. More than 350
pounds of Bondo, fiberglass, and despair haven been added to craft this
lumpen turd of an automobile, making an already slow and crumbly
front-drive vehicle even worse. It was built with an obvious
indifference. The brakes don't work. Oh, and, that's not even the
correct way to spell “Caballero."... READ MORE
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