by Kim D.
That's the chance John Kasich has. If he wins his state - Ohio - that's the bargaining chip he will have to convince Donald Trump to choose him as the VP running mate slot. After all, history says no one wins the presidency without winning Ohio, and Kasich will have a strong argument that he can carry his state for the Republican nominee.
This is the only way Kasich lands in the White House, as vice president and alongside Donald Trump, provided that the momentum of the enraged silent majority continues. Of course, rhetoric has ramped up in the race to win the Ohio primary. Expect Trump to say anything to win. Expect Kasich to counterpunch in a gentlemanly manner.
However, even with a YUGE win in Ohio, John Kasich has no path to the presidency, even at a contested convention (forget a brokered convention which will certainly elect a Democrat president if the Establishment steals the nomination from the only two men who have a shot: Trump and Cruz). Kasich's only value, if he wins Ohio, is that he can deliver that state as a running mate.
But, Trump and Kasich? The marriage of the unknown outsider and established politics? For those who think, no, that won't happen. Ask yourself, would you ever support someone who suggested you had the potential of being a pediphile? Ben Carson was willing to discard the principles upon which he ran his campaign to endorse the antithesis of those ideals. Why wouldn't Kasich?
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