Saturday, March 5, 2016

#Election2016 - Here is What I Am Afraid

By William McRight 

I am afraid of having a President who states boldly that simply due to the force of his personality military personnel will be forced to commit war crimes.

I am afraid of having a President who in the first 15 minutes of a nationally televised debate seeks to reassure the nation not of his competency, but of the size of his manhood.

I am afraid of voting a man into office cannot tell me about his “Road to Damascus” moment where he realized that his previous liberal positions were all wrong and how and why his newfound common sense conservative positions are all right.

I am afraid of having a President who builds an entire cult of personality about his strength and steadfastness as a leader and admits multiple times in a nationally televised debate that he has to be flexible.

I am afraid of a man who professes to be a Christian but cannot speak to the key tenets of the faith, cite a favorite passage from the Bible and is supported and endorsed by the greasiest and most un-Biblical evangelical “leaders.”

I am afraid of having a President who will present us with a First Lady who has been photographed in various stages of embarrassing undress and has ALSO written thousands of dollars of checks in donations to Hillary Clinton.

I am afraid of the GOP nominating a man who uses air quotes when saying the word “conservatives.”

I am afraid of a man who boasts about his leadership and strength of character who is too afraid to face a room of the air quoted “conservatives” and tell them why he deserves their vote.

I am afraid of an electorate who cannot discern truth, leadership and political skill from utter showmanship and bombast.

I am afraid of a President who claims he will hire the “best people” and “top men” leading a team that issues press releases and tweets festooned with grammatical and spelling errors, proven lies and positional inconsistencies.

I am afraid of a man who cannot maintain a consistent position on an issue, not only from one week to the next, but sometimes from one sentence to the next.

I am afraid of a President who will not put distance between himself and the most morally reprehensible of supporters, Twitter followers and tyrannical leaders around the globe.

I am afraid of a President who views his own judgment on a higher plane than the judgment of our Founders.

I am afraid of a President who will be quick to abuse the power of his office to fundamentally undermine the restraints of our founding documents and mold the office to the parameters of his self aggrandizing personality. Been there, done that.

I am afraid of an electorate who is consumed by the desire to “burn it all down” and to “stick it to the establishment” without one ounce of consideration of what we do once everything we hold dear has been destroyed.

I am afraid of a political party so shortsighted and ill equipped to state and defend its own platform that it finds itself out politically out maneuvered into nominating a person who has spent their whole life working against them.

I am afraid of a field of candidates who, driven by massive egos and desire for personal power, are not visionary enough to see what is best for their country, their party and fellow citizens and step aside for the greater good.

I am afraid of a President who will give us four years of us holding our collective breath waiting for the next ill informed pronouncement on an issue without considering how it affects all of us, and not just him.

I am afraid of electing a man who a full 70% of the people on his side of the aisle DO NOT SUPPORT and it somehow being acceptable.

I am afraid of a candidate or President whose public statement are “true” or “mostly true” only 7% of the time.

I am afraid of a Republican candidate who when confronted on his positions cannot offer specifics in any way and when he does the reaction is always, invariably liberal and progressive in nature.

I am afraid of the results in the primaries today in Kentucky, Louisiana, Maine and Kansas.

I am afraid for Our Nation. May God please grant the voters in these states wisdom and skill to discern truth from nonsense.