If you think you saw it all on Saturday with the GOP less than presidential debate, you haven't seen anything yet and I'm not just talking about the future GOP presidential debates.
What I am talking about is the vacancy on the Supreme Court that occurred with the sudden and unexpected death of Justice Antonin Scalia, a giant among a handful of giants to have served on the Supreme Court in over 200 years of service to America.
If you thought you saw a mixed martial arts cage match on Saturday with GOP candidates demeaning themselves and each other, wait until the Obama Administration nominates someone, anyone, to fill the vacancy now facing the SCOTUS and their decision making process on the cases before them that have not already been decided and finalized..
I think most political observers on the right will agree that there will be a political battle royal of a magnitude not seen recently in the political process, which is saying something, since we have seen Obama politicize just about every issue he has encountered as president as he executes Executive Orders with impunity with his pen and takes other action with his phone.
Expect the two Democratic presidential candidates to do their best to make this a campaign issue they can ride, as they denigrate each and every Republican presidential candidate over and over again for blocking Obama's "Constitutional duty" to fill the SCOTUS vacancy. The question will become whether the two socialists and the DNC will be able to gin up enough heat and pressure on the GOP, in particular Senate Majority Leader, Mitch McConnell, to actually begin hearings of any candidate that President Obama sends to the Senate.
McConnell has essentially pledged his sacred honor, assuming he has any of that rare commodity, to simply forgo any action on any candidate that Obama puts forward for the Supreme Court vacancy until the inauguration of the next president on January 20, 2017.
What we are about to witness is a cataclysmic clash of political titans as they engage in every possible move to politicize the nomination process leading to the filling of the vacancy on the SCOTUS. Democrats will try and take the high moral road, while casting Republicans as vicious knuckle dragging Neanderthals bent upon destroying the legacy of a black president, implying that the Republican action is based in racism. You can count on the race card being played here. It will happen.
Meanwhile, Republicans will defer to the Senate and the rules of that august body in taking their time to produce an acceptable result for the people of America. Which position will prevail will be determined by which side can stand the most political heat. For the sake of America going forward as we know America from the past, the Republicans had best stand firm or they may simply become an after thought and a footnote in history as America slips into functional dysfunction.