Saturday, February 6, 2016

What Do We Become?

Guest Post by William McRight

In a natural progression of analyzing data, polling etc it would seem that Donald Trump has somewhat of a hold on a potential Republican nomination (however tenuous). I cannot speak for anyone else but I believe Trump represents a tipping point for the party. If the Republican Party has a man as it’s nominee who is pro big government, pro single payer, pro eminent domain, that would seem to be, well, not Republican. Or conservative.

That begs the question should this event occur, what do we become? It would seem that we on this side are the ones with the big tent. Despite the murmurs of people happy with a Democratic Socialist, the Dems are largely in lockstep with a lifelong prevaricator and TruthBender. We, on this side, are to deal with a party that welcomes all, from Lindsey Graham to Ted Cruz. All while enduring the slings and arrows of being labeled the meanies at the family picnic. Will the potential nomination of a man who does not fit in the Graham – McCain establishment wing or the Cruz-Paul-Rubio conservative wing or really any wing (except “L” wing where we keep the types who use “schlonged” at public events) fracture the whole thing? Given the choice one might prefer that the “Squish” Wing (Graham, McCain and the ladies from New England) just sashay over and join up with the Democrats. Their votes have done nothing but propagate the progressive agenda anyway. On the other hand, given Senator Cruz’s stances and his “maverick” potential, I’d not be surprised if his impressive grassroots infrastructure becomes something else altogether if things get sketchy or numerically weird come convention time.

But what of Trump? I am no fan. I think he is something completely un-Republican and is capitalizing on our cultural A.D.D. A political P.T. Barnum, if you will. I fear that Mr. Barnum’s most famous quote would come to life if we nominate Mr. Trump. If you support Donald Trump the question to ask yourself is, “Sure he is funny and plain spoken, but how will he govern?” His authoritarian ad libbing may shed some light on that.

Or, Trump could lose NH, and SC and drop out. I sure hope that present is wrapped and sitting under my tree.

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