Saturday, February 6, 2016

Trump Nominated for Nobel Peace Prize?

By Elizabeth Nelson

Someone actually nominated, I’ll bomb the shi* out of ISIS,” “if we’re attacked we’ll beat the shi* out of them” and, it gets better, “I could go on to Fifth Avenue and shoot people and wouldn’t lose a vote,”  Trump for a Nobel Peace Prize?  His comments show that Trumpertantrum “has much peace in him,” right?  So much like Obama, and everyone knows that Obama was given a Nobel Peace Prize, and then went on to become the same Warmongerer that the liberals despised in president Bush. Read more NBC News
A respected Nobel watcher and director of the Peace Research Institute of Oslo, Harpviken said he was "committed to not reveal the nominator's name," but shared online the language from the letter, which praised Trump for "his vigorous peace through strength ideology, used as a threat weapon of deterrence against radical Islam, ISIS, nuclear Iran and Communist China."

Oh, I guess the nominating Trumpet conveniently left out a few details about Trumpertantrum’s character, temper and personality in his letter:

Or his insulting womenhis hitting on women, while he was married … or his sleeping with other men’s wives. We wonder why he can't make a marriage work?

Even Kimmel points out Trump's "peaceful" personality.  Imagine THIS as our POTUS and giving him a Nobel Prize for Peace, when he has this kind of reaction to people who disagree with his opinion, policies and procedures?  Can you imagine someone like this winning?

This is what Trumpets call a "leader."  Are they changing the definition of "bully" again?



  1. a person who uses strength or power to harm or intimidate those who are weaker

  1. use superior strength or influence to intimidate (someone), typically to force him or her to do what one wants:
If the Trump fits, blow it ...

But oh wait, Obama was given a “Peace Prize” and he called the GOP, Arsonists and terrorists and Vets and Christians are Terrorists, alongside the likes of Al-Qaeda, and Americans with Guns are more dangerous than Muslim terrorism (video)., when they didn't agree with him. But of course, Trump couldn't possibly be a wolf in sheep's clothing,  "I believe in universal healthcare," - Donald Trump, CNN Live 1999 and Trumpets are nothing like ObamaZombies, right?

Then again, we all know how easy it is to get nominated for a Nobel “Peace” Prize now, much like an Oscar, right?  Hey Trumpets, do you know what your candidate, Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, Adolf Hitler, Rush Limbaugh and the co-founder of the violent Crips gang have in common? They were all nominated for the Nobel Peace Prize. 

**grab your Obama, now Trumpet, barf bag** So, if we go by liberal logic, this is how this would play out in our current day. Oscar and Nobel would be passed out to everyone as “participation Ideology” awards, so no one’s wittle feelings would get hurt.

Everyone would convert and follow Allah, so no one will offend anyone’s belief system. Don’t forget, turn in your guns.  Because according to Emperor Obama, fewer people die by terrorist attacks than gun violence and the government is going to protect and take care of you.  This has been your daily dose of Government, Liberal B.S.
So, Trump is on the road to failing as a Husband and leader Three - his Third marriage is more of a business arrangement than loving marriage. Oh, you forgot he was married BEFORE Melania, to Ivana and Marla Maples?  Oh, but he needs a wife to get to the White House, what President doesn't have a First Lady? Then he failed as a businessman four times and yet Trumpets want to enter a relationship with him, as large as our Country? Why not give him a Nobel Peace Prize too.

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