Sunday, February 14, 2016

Thoughts on 2-13-2016 Republican Debate

By William McRight

There are truck and tractor pulls. There are WWE pay per views. And then there was last night.

The event started off with a moment of silence for a legislative giant, Antonin Scalia, who had unfortunately passed earlier in the day. While most of the candidates were reverential and bowed their heads, the Authoritarian Strongman decided that it doesn’t say anywhere in Two Corinthians that you should bow your head and be respectful. Certainly a man who has never asked forgiveness from God must know best.


The Moderators – Again, boo.  John Dickerson tried his best Candy Crowley on Ted Cruz early on the matter of SCOTUS appointments in an election year. While Cruz was and correct and the moderator let the “80 year precedent” comment go by on earlier candidates wisely Cruz did not engage and stayed on topic. The exchanges rapidly descending in chaotic shouts, mostly from Big Orange, that did not allow discourse that might inform any voter.

Trump – In the light of Scalia’s passing, it is now more clear than ever that this man is in no way suited, ready or worthy of the highest office in the land. He is petulant, uninformed and staggeringly un-presidential. Here is the transcript of his first question.

In the Situation Room, what three questions do you ask your national security experts about the world?

TRUMP: What we want to do, when we want to do it, and how hard do we want to hit? Because we are going to have to hit very, very hard to knock out ISIS.

What? Or in the language of Twitter, “Wut?” Nonsensical and clueless. His pronouncements got worse from that point. If he wins the nomination or the presidency, nothing of consequence matters anymore. At all.

Kasich – One can understand a liberal Republican doing well in New Hampshire.  It is a left leaning bastion. Kasich’s treacly messaging sounds an off note when pitched against dictatorial populism and constitutional clarification. Sure. A decent man. But not a man for times such as this. The last thing we need is another well meaning big government type ready to capitulate at the drop of a hat. Closing time, John.  You don’t have to go home, but you can’t stay here.

Jeb! – The peculiar animus between Jeb! and Trump has been a sight to see. Sad, because we would like to unsee it. In normal situations, Trump’s endless jabs at a fourth place (maybe?) candidate would seem weird and politically unadvisable, misplaced and strategically wifty. Jeb!’s milque toasty responses and “aw shucks” delivery again do not fill the authoritarian urge that so many seem to be leaning toward in this cycle.  It also hurts Jeb! that his mannerisms call back memories of the Bush family so clearly.  That is to those of us that didn’t have to Google check whether Jeb! and W. were related (This would be where we could mention that we may be doomed. If Trump wins on the 20th. It may remove all doubt.) Jeb! You can go. Please get your goody bag and pick up your flip phone on the way out.

Carson – Carson has always been a likeable guy. He is smart, sincere, committed and completely unprepared to be the Commander in Chief. The constant reminding and moaning to everyone that you are thrilled to finally get a question was funny the first 4,000 times. The questions aren’t coming because although you are a fine man and a patriot, you do not fill us with conviction that the fire in your belly won’t be blown out if you walk by a cracked window on a breezy day. We appreciate your efforts, but once you finish rounds and do your updates at the Nurses Station, you can go too.


Los Hermanos Cubanos – The debates for political types have always been about Cruz and Rubio. Of the current iteration of the candidate slate, they are the most well spoken, clear, passionate and Presidential. It would seem a Cruz – Rubio ticket would create a yin-yang of electability combining strong foreign policy, well thought out plans for taxes and reform of top heavy government bureaucracies and strong Constitutional scholarship in light of the loss of Antonin Scalia. Even Trumpian pundits admit readily that on that stage there is no one more capable of evaluating and selecting conservative jurists than Cruz.  Rubio’s foreign policy chops, even when delivered at Red Bull fueled speed, are consistently solid.  They are both young, visionary and would offset Socialist and Socialist Light much to the benefit of our side.