Saturday, February 6, 2016

Hillary assures America she is pure as the driven snow.

By Rob Janicki

Hillary repeatedly attempts to "reinvent" herself or, at least, her miserable persona.  So far, none of these reinventions or makeovers have succeeded, as evidenced in her declining poll numbers.  Americans just aren't dumb enough to believe this gas bag anymore.  Hillary simply does not have the political skills and charm of her husband, Slick Willie, America's white version of Bill Cosby.

Hillary's latest assurance to America is that she is "100 percent sure no indictment coming over emails."  If the FBI and/or the Department of Justice refuses to pursue the mounting evidence of Hillary's many illegal acts in the use of her private email server in the sending, receiving and storing of highly classified government documents, it will be the worst Obama administration coverup since Nixon and the Watergate scandal.  At least Nixon had the decency to resign the presidency to recede into a life of private ignominy.

Add to the above, Hillary's ludicrous assertion that she is somehow not part of the Washington, D.C. political establishment and we have a woman out of touch with reality.  Some might even say delusional.  I can't imagine someone more a part of the Democrat establishment than someone who served as the First Lady for eight years, followed by eight years as a United States Senator and finally capped off with four years as Secretary of State in the first Obama administration.

Hillary is not only an establishment politician, she is a radical liberal progressive, that, if given the chance, would give Bernie Sanders a good run at being the most radical leftist today.  The only thing holding Hillary back is her understanding that this would be a ringing political death knell for her current mashed up campaign to gain the Democratic presidential nomination.  Hillary knows that America will not accept an acknowledged socialist to represent the Democratic Party, so she is using Bernie Sanders to do the heavy lifting, while making herself look almost moderate to Americans in the process of comparison.   

America knows who and what Hillary is and it's not a flattering picture.  Despite Hillary's protestations to the contrary, it challenges logic and reason to believe that America has heard the very last of the FBI investigation into her email server scandal.  No matter how the FBI investigation turns out, it will, at the very least, cast a pall over Hillary and her campaign, if not abruptly ending her campaign should the FBI recommend prosecution of Hillary.

Let's  face it.  Hillary is in an epic failure mode and there is nothing on the horizon to indicate that it will get better between now and November 8, 2016.

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