Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Welcome to the year 2054

Coming to a country near you …

China has rolled out what might loosely be considered a database of credit scores. The main criterion is the ability to pay, and every citizen gets a number from 350 to 950 that goes up or down.

But the Chinese system is based on far more than household finances. According to Rick Falkvinge at Privacy Online News, the government also wants to track what its citizens are buying and whether those goods fit with the regime’s thinking. In other words, China-made appliances would make you a more desirable citizen. Video games would be frowned on.
Also, the scores of friends influence yours. Hanging out with people trash-talking the authoritarians makes your score goes lower. Eventually your Internet access and choice of careers might be limited.

Mr. Falkvinge puts things in perspective:

He concludes:

Now consider that our government collects every e-mail and all the information on the Internet, 24/7. Then I’ll steal a point made by Mr. Falkvinge: In terms of Orwell’s famous novel “1984,” at this point we’re in about 2054 … and going forward rapidly.

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