Friday, October 23, 2015

The Problem with the #BenghaziCommittee

by Kim D.

We can squabble about a myriad of things when it comes to the tragic deaths of four Americans on 9/11/2012 in Benghazi; however, Hillary Clinton's 11-hour testimony yesterday only proved one thing - the Benghazi Committee is highly political. 

If you are a Progressive, you heard nothing new and thought Hillary shined, avoiding the past mistake of blowing her cool and screeching "What difference does it make?" If you are Conservative, your beliefs about Clinton and her role in the Benghazi tragedy are solidified - her policy and leadership in the region failed, and she lied about a video to cover up this failure and to protect Obama's campaign rhetoric that he'd conquered terrorism. If you fall somewhere in the political middle, you probably A) don't even know what all the Benghazi hoopla is about or B) don't care because you are tired of hearing about a scandal in which only fingers are pointed but no one is held accountable.

Democrat representatives provided cover for Clinton, guiding her through the testimony process with loaded questions meant to make her appear thoughtful and knowledgeable about foreign affairs. She also was given the chance to provide a dramatic monologue about the tragic night Chris Stevens, Sean Smith, Tyrone Woods, Glen Doherty were killed by terrorists.

Republican representatives went for the jugular - or at least they tried. The major points highlighted which are damning to Secretary Clinton are

  • her actions don't match her words - the emails provided to the committee do not show Clinton had a active relationship with Ambassador Stevens, who sent at least 600 requests for additional security, like she did with Sidney Blumenthal. Translation - she is no leader and wasn't an attentive boss lady.
  • her words at times are false - while the attack was occurring she told the American people a video was to blame, while emailing her family that it was a pre-planned, terrorist attack. Translation - she lied, period.
So, today Hillary and her supporters are giving a huge sigh of relief. She survived the Benghazi hearings and is now all but assured to be the 2016 Democratic presidential nominee. If you are not included in this group, Hillary's not your gal (nor would she ever be). 

In other words not much has changed, especially for the family who still mourns the death of those four brave Americans who were killed in Benghazi. They have nothing to cheer about nor do they care about the success or failure of Hillary Clinton's presidential campaign. The Benghazi Committee will push on and continue to interview witnesses behind closed doors until they are satisfied they have all definitive answers on what happened the night of September 11, 2012. All we can hope is that the final report will give these families some peace and closure.

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