Anton on Twitter: @akaplenko
There's an underlying reason why horror movies such as the "Saw" series, and "redneck movies" such as "Deliverance" and "The Hills Have Eyes" are so frightening.We're raised in a civilized society, taught from an early age that there are certain boundaries and limits. Murder is illegal. Rape is illegal. Torture and mutilation are illegal. We're programmed to respect the lives of others, their property, and their sexuality.
While watching a movie, we suspend our disbelief and immerse ourselves in the situation the characters are facing. We're shocked and appalled at how easily those boundaries are broken. Whether it's being forced to mutilate oneself as Jigsaw does to his victims, or the trauma of rape in "Deliverance", or the cruel violence in "The Hills Have Eyes", the common factor is the complete breakdown of moral and legal boundaries.
Once these boundaries are destroyed, there truly is no limit to human cruelty.
That's the most frightening part. It's not that the killer/rapist has broken the boundaries, it's that we have no idea of just how far they will go. How creative they will get? How many evil and cruel things they'll roll into one terrifying experience?
Well, the ISIS have certainly risen to the occasion. Not content with mere beheadings, public stoning, and gang-rapes, they've decided to take it one step further. The genocidal cruelty of Islamists toward the Yazidi people is well-documented, but this is something else entirely.
Yes, a mother was made to eat the meat of her own child. You read that correctly.
If this seems hard to believe - as it very well should be, to any civilized person - consider the many other well-documented examples of the Islamic persecution of Yazidis, ranging from capture of girls and women as sex slaves (BBC - "Islamic State: Yazidi women tell of sex-slave trauma"), to rape, torture, and being forced to watch people from their community being publicly beheaded (BareNakedIslam - "Yazidi girls reveal the hell they endured from ISIS").
This horrific attitude isn't confined to the Yazidi genocide. Gang-rape incidents in Europe are on a sharp rise, with the overwhelming majority committed by the Islamic "immigrants". Even the bleeding-heart liberals who try to help the Refujihadis are subject to the same violent abuse (Breitbart - "'No Borders' Activist Gang-Raped by Migrants, Pressured Into Silence"). Girls as young as 12 are systematically groomed by paedophile gangs, then introduced to a life of sexual abuse (Wikipedia - "Rotherham child sexual exploitation scandal", and #Rotherham1400 hashtag on Twitter). Iraqi, Syrian, Pakistani... in England, France, Italy, Germany, Norway... the common thread is the perception of "infidel" women and girls as nothing more than property with no rights.
(Why the women's rights groups are completely silent on this issue, I have yet to figure out, but that's a whole separate topic).
Of course, not all Muslims are hyper-violent, genocidal bastards with a propensity for gang rape and torture. But those that are, really take it to a whole new level. Mothers eating their own babies. Congratulations, I don't think that one's been done before in the history of genocide.