Thursday, September 10, 2015

Gun Up Bloomberg! You Made Al Qaeda's List #2A

by Kim D.
Last week if someone were to ask you what do former nanny-state Mayor Michael Bloomberg and the Koch Brothers have in common, the reply would more than likely be a blank stare as you reached into the mind's depths to find meaningful semblance other than both are extremely wealthy. Today, you would quickly be able to say "They both are on Al Qaeda's hit list." 

The recently published hit list is featured in the propaganda-filled Inspire magazine, an English language online publication supposedly operated by the al-Qaeda organization. According to Fox News Insider

So along with blathering on about the evils of climate change and using his anti-gun group Everytown to advocate for tougher gun laws that the mentally ill and criminals will never follow, Bloomberg should be thinking about self preservation and increasing his armed security.  If he thinks a tweet or a heavily funded "anti" terrorism campaign will deter al Qaeda, he's sadly mistaken. The only defense against evil is a strong and well-armed offense.

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