Monday, August 3, 2015

More unintended, but nonetheless damaging consequences from liberals in California.

By Rob Janicki
California liberals, lead by septuagenarian governor, Jerry "Moonbeam"
Brown, so characterized by his out of this world thinking, have
created a whole new problem that they will simply ignore or walk away
from, but I will state that irony in a moment after a little
background on the current California drought and liberal failures to
address this significant problem in previous years.

Bear this thought in mind as I illustrate the immediate problem.
Northern California produces 70% of the water fro the entire state and
consumes 30% of all water in the state.  Southern California produces
30% of all water in the state, but consumes 70% of all water consumed
in the state.  Therein lies the fundamental problem of inequality that
liberals like to regularly address as some evil propagated by
Republicans.  Now on to the details of this current disaster.

California, as most people know, is involved in a drought of
significant proportions.  Forget that Democrats could have overcome or
at least minimized the results of this drought.  They had ample
opportunities to do so over the past decades, but repeatedly voted
down funding for new reservoirs that would certainly have ameliorated
or mitigated the current conditions experienced by southern
Californians.  But, water reservoirs don't vote, so they didn't
receive the handouts from liberal Democrat politicians to build these
necessary infrastructure enhancements so necessary in southern

Now along comes our governor as he steps up to address the drought.
He has proposed no additional means to collect the natural runoff of
winter snows in the beautiful Sierra Mountains, into any new
reservoirs to be built.  He doesn't address some of the political
actions that could be taken immediately to turn around and make more
northern California water available to southern California. The answer
is because Brown would step all over his enviro-Nazi supporters who
are more interested in protecting the Snail Darter and the Delta Smelt
in the Sacramento Delta, than providing a reasonable amount of this
water to be allocated to southern California and the San Joaquin
valley agricultural industry that feeds America.

So, Brown has come out swinging against...who else, but Californians
who are suffering at the hands of incompetent liberal Democrat
politicians.  Brown has threatened cities and counties with large
penalties in order to get them to reduce their water consumption.  He
has encouraged large fines to be levied against businesses and
individuals, if they do not meet his mandated reductions in water
consumption.  Brown has claimed that becoming water conservationists,
every Californian will benefit in the form of lower water bills as a
result.  Not so fast there Governor Moonbeam!  You need a course in
business and economics.

Here's the problem.  Water bills in southern California are actually
going UP as a direct result of individuals engaging in serious water
conservation.  How can that be, you ask?  Good question, since it
leads us to discover the consequence of not understanding economics
and basic business operation.

Water providers have fixed costs of overhead in facilities, programmed
upgrades and salaries of personnel necessary to maintain the operation
of their water distribution.  Most water providers have had to keep
their costs closely aligned with their charges to consumers of face
the wrath of consumers.

Here's the bottom line.  With an increase in conservation there has
been a marked decrease in revenues to water suppliers.  They are now
up against the wall, so to speak, since they cannot run a deficit.
What is their only option?  Raise the cost of water they provide to
their customers.

So, conservation minded consumers in southern California are being
"rewarded" with higher costs for less water consumed to cover the loss
of revenues from consumers, who have tried their best to go along with
a program instituted to conserve water.  In other words, southern
California water consumers are being penalized for doing what they
were told was necessary and were additionally told that they would be
financially punished in the form of fines for any failure to meet the
conservation water reduction goals of Governor Moonbeam.

And yet, Democrat voters will continue to vote for idiots like Jerry
Brown and his ilk that force them to pay more for less and then expect
them to like it.  You really have to live in California to understand
the insanity that goes on with a liberal Democrat as governor and a
state legislature that is overwhelmingly populated with like minded
liberal Democrats.

Actions usually have consequences, unless you're a liberal politician
in California.