Friday, July 3, 2015

The "Killing Fields" in Baltimore continue as murders skyrocket out of control.

By Rob Janicki
The meteoric rise in murders in Baltimore can be correlated with the
the death of Freddie Gray while in police custody on April 19, 2015.

Riots took over Baltimore almost immediately after Gray's untimely
death a week later from injuries still not completely understood even
with recently leaked autopsy details.  Meanwhile, six BPD officers are
under indictment for numerous crimes related to Freddie Gray's death.

It's now being confirmed that line police officers were told not to
actively engage rioters in the riots that followed the Freddie Gray
event.  As a result to this order from the very top of law enforcement
and the mayor, those with criminal intent felt free to commit the most
heinous of crimes, murder.

The rise in murders could be looked at from several different
perspectives.  One perspective is thought to be "pay back" among
individuals with grudges against others.  With police backing off,
these people may have felt that they could get away with the most
egregious crime of all.  They seem to be continuing in this mode.

Next, common street thugs are using the opportunity to commit lesser
crimes of armed robbery, burglary and general mayhem, using murder as
the ultimate means to hide their acton if necessary.  There seems to
be a feeling that murder will simply not result in any consequences
for the perpetrators and thus, any inhibitions about the use of murder
as a means to effectuate a criminal activity, seem to be reduced.

The thin veneer of humanity seems to have worn through for the younger
black men in Baltimore as liberals continue to make excuses for their
behavior and use various means to actually justify their behavior.

Meanwhile victims seem to be characterized by liberals as somehow
being responsible for their own fate.  The latest liberal assault on
reason and logic is based upon a dreamed up fiction of "white
privilege".  Considering there are more poor whites than blacks in
America, this is ludicrous on its face, but that has never stopped a
liberal from another lie to promote liberal progressive policies and

Don't expect the murder rate in Baltimore to suddenly decline.  It
simply won't happen with the advent of a hot summer and the fact that
the Baltimore Police Department doesn't quite seem to have its act
together on how to recover control of the city.

Those governing Baltimore did the unforgivable act of condoning the
behavior of criminal rioting and looting done in the name of
protesting the death of Freddie Gray while using "black lives matter"
and "no justice, no peace" as their mantra to justify their criminal

The mayor and police commissioner will have to figure out how to
reverse this ghetto mind set among those most likely to take advantage
of murder as a means of settling a score or as a means of covering up
a criminal act.  It won't be easy, especially if the mayor and police
commissioner wind up facing criminal charges for their behavior in the
criminal rioting that they appear to have condoned last April.

Here's a look at the statistics for murders in Baltimore from January
1st through June 30th.


  1. When will blacks examine the phrase "white privilege" with the idea that if all whites are privileged - that would include all those funny looking naked white guys in LGBT parades and OWS tents, and who are sitting in legislative offices? White is white, and so far, white privilege has been perceived as wealthy and straight but only CONSERVATIVE. Are black people so stupid that they cannot see what is in front of them?
    The most privileged whites are three people - the Clintons, who are making another run for the White House. The most single white privileged is Chelsea! SHE is white, and female!
    Electing blacks to office has not served them well, because they have not vetted their candidates on a rational basis, only on color. They now have what we have, black clowns, pretending to do a white, penny-pinching job. Sorry to be so blunt.

  2. Maybe Baltimore's mayor should visit Charleston and learn how to promote a better cohesive community response.
