Friday, July 17, 2015

Seattle debates Sharia law-sanctioned housing


  1. No other law but American laws. If they want Sharia law, they can go to the Middle East. They won't assimilate if we break our rules for them.

  2. How is this even discussed? Are the commissioners willing to live under sharia themselves or just to impose it on others?

  3. where are the feminists? why aren't they protesting? women will have less rights, less freedoms, more restrictions on dress and behavior. Do feminists not realize that they would be allowing women living there to lose their hard-earned freedoms???

  4. If this is approved, then there should be "Christian ruled" areas (equality for all, right)? The Christian areas could prescribed behaviors, types of approved marriages, restrictions on singles living in their area. Both areas could restrict the placement of either a mosque or a church, depending on your zone, in your region. In short, we could balkanize Seattle. Make mini-areas controlled by their own cultural rules. ChinaTown could enforce its regulations based on Chinese religious practices. Who is judge what is considered a true religious practice?!

  5. we pull at our American fabric thinking that it will last forever - without care. If we all pull too hard - our system will degrade and fade away. I guess some want that - yet what they want to replace it with is much poorer quality. We need to love and nourish our American system of laws, culture, language.

  6. Obviously the State of Seattle is considering violating the US Constitution. Maybe the lawmakers considering this should immediately be arrested as traitors.
