Friday, July 10, 2015

Giant, snake-eating centipede spotted in Texas

Giant redheaded centipede: a Texas native. (Photo: TX Parks & Wildlife/Twitter)

Mother Nature Network
This picture has been terrifying the Internet ever since the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department posted it to their social media pages late last week. It depicts a very healthy, very large, very intimidating centipede with a vibrant red head and lengthy fangs.
Although it might appear to be some sort of foreign beast to the uninitiated, this bug is actually a Texas native. Called the Texas or giant redheaded centipede, the species has been known to grow to 8 inches in length. This particular specimen, found in Garner State Park, certainly looks to be one of the big ones.
The centipede's bright colors are a warning: A piercing bite from one of its chompers is capable of delivering a painful toxin. The bite stings and causes swelling, but isn't life-threatening. Though an encounter might invade your nightmares for a while...   READ MORE

1 comment:

  1. Hey Kim, the old ZZTop song 'Legs' comes to mind!
