Conservatives, unlike liberals, know how to count, especially when it's their money. Liberals, on the other hand, only know how to count when they are robbing other people by raising taxing for more meaningless entitlement boondoggles.
Health insurance premiums for plans sold on Obamacare’s health exchanges are about to get more expensive next year, according to a glimpse of rate proposals—some with double-digit increases—that the White House made public this week.
Under the Affordable Care Act, insurers are required to make public any rate proposals that increase by at least 10 percent on the federal government’s website. Though premium rates vary significantly depending on the region, major carriers including UnitedHealthcare, Athena and Blue Cross Blue Shield have proposed rate increases for next year between 10 and 30 percent in a handful of states.
We're talking double digit increases that will have to be absorbed by individuals, since a Republican Congress is unlikely to raise government subsidies to pay for what was clearly known and understood about Obamacare years ago.
The chickens of Obamacare are coming home to roost and it will only contribute to public unrest, which may well play into a scenario that Obama may have planned for America before he leaves office at noon on Tuesday, January 20, 2017.
All of the above said, the question turns to what the Republicans are prepared to do to ameliorate this situation. They've talked tough on repealing Obamacare, but have yet to propose substantive alternatives to Obamacare. Push is getting closer to shove over health care costs and so far Republicans are AWOL on the issue. We know liberals and old fashion Democrats don't have a clue about what to do, except to appropriate more taxpayer money to support taxpayers in great need due to these The problem is that people are now looking to Republican for answers and their claims to do something, anything, about a failing Obamacare.
For more details of this disaster in the making, go here.
Meanwhile, we have a circus clown car growing larger everyday among Republican candidates vying for their party's presidential nomination that won't even happen until the summer of 2016.