The Democrats have been tweeting passionately against a declared Jeb Bush run for the White House.
Jeb Bush, the Scarlet Letter, and his politics of public shame:
— The Democrats (@TheDemocrats) June 12, 2015
On Monday, Jeb Bush will announce that he's running for president. Fight back:
— The Democrats (@TheDemocrats) June 13, 2015
Another Bush is announcing a new presidential campaign tomorrow (but it's nothing new for his advisors).
— The Democrats (@TheDemocrats) June 14, 2015
Leading the attack is none other than Florida House Rep. and DNC Chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz.
For your extreme social & economic views, shame on you Jeb Bush. America can't afford another Bush presidency.
— D Wasserman Schultz (@DWStweets) June 15, 2015
Conservatives will disagree with Debbie on just about all political issues, but on Jeb Bush we agree - Jeb's in it for . . . Jeb.
Jeb Bush pone lo que es mejor para los ricos por encima de los trabajadores americanos:
— D Wasserman Schultz (@DWStweets) June 15, 2015
“El anuncio que Jeb Bush hará hoy presentando su candidatura al nombramiento republicano para 2016 son buenas noticias si resulta que eres Jeb Bush o alguien como él. A lo largo de su carrera, Jeb Bush ha puesto lo que es mejor para él y los de arriba muy por encima de las prioridades de los trabajadores americanos.Translation:
“Jeb Bush’s announcement later today that he’ll seek the Republican 2016 nomination is good news if you happen to be Jeb Bush or someone like him. Throughout his career, Jeb Bush has consistently put what is best for himself and those at the top above the priorities of working Americans.
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