Sunday, May 31, 2015

Rand Paul #PatriotAct PAC Ad Takes Aim at Obama, Cruz, and Graham

by Kim D.

Is this new Rand Paul ad hip or hype? With the Patriot Act set to expire tomorrow, today's Senate vote will decide if 2016 Republican presidential hopeful Rand Paul has been successful in his highly controversial block to any extension of the surveillance law. In this ad, the Paul friendly America's Liberty PAC reduces the issue to the comedic level of a monster truck rally and takes personal jabs at Obama and Republican primary challengers Ted Cruz and Lindsey Graham.

Perhaps Rand and his Super PAC should just stick to the facts and be a bit more sincere about undoing legislation that many believe is a defensive weapon against terrorism, like he did in his released statement to Politico:

“I have fought for several years now to end the illegal spying of the NSA on ordinary Americans. The callous use of general warrants and the disregard for the Bill of Rights must end. Forcing us to choose between our rights and our safety is a false choice and we are better than that as a nation and as a people. “That’s why two years ago, I sued the NSA. It’s why I proposed the Fourth Amendment Protection Act. It’s why I have been seeking for months to have a full, open and honest debate on this issue— a debate that never came. “So last week, seeing proponents of this illegal spying rushing toward a deadline to wholesale renew this unconstitutional power, I filibustered the bill. I spoke for over 10 hours to call attention to the vast expansion of the spy state and the corresponding erosion of our liberties.“Then, last week, I further blocked the extension of these powers and the Senate adjourned for recess rather than stay and debate them. “Tomorrow, we will come back with just hours left before the NSA illegal spying powers expire. “Let me be clear: I acknowledge the need for a robust intelligence agency and for a vigilant national security.“I believe we must fight terrorism, and I believe we must stand strong against our enemies.“But we do not need to give up who we are to defeat them. In fact, we must not.“There has to be another way. We must find it together.“So tomorrow, I will force the expiration of the NSA illegal spy program.

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