Thursday, May 21, 2015

Al Sharpton's Daughter Sues Over Inner-City Crack

by Kim D.

Dominique Sharpton, membership director for the National Action Network and daughter of MSNBC host and professional race baiter Reverend Al, claims NY city owes her big time to the tune of $5 million when last week she filed a suit over an ankle injury she claims happened when she fell on a city sidewalk in October 2014. 

But despite her alleged, long suffering injury, some are questioning if Ms. Sharpton is living up to the cliche of being a chip off the old block and merely doing the shakedown shuffle. According to The Washington Times, Dominique Sharpton 
claims that [the] Oct. 2 fall left her with “internal and external injuries to the whole body, lower and upper limbs, the full extent of which are unknown, permanent pain and mental anguish.” 
Two months after the fall, she participated in her father’s National Action Network’s “Justice for All” march in Washington, D.C., The Post reported, and despite claiming “permanent physical pain,” there are social-media shots of Ms. Sharpton in high heels and another of her climbing a ladder to decorate a Christmas tree. 
Ms. Sharpton is seeking the damages for “loss of quality of life, future pain and suffering, future medical bills, [and] future diminution of income,” according to court papers.

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