Monday, April 13, 2015

Michael "Nanny" Bloomberg comes out with glowing support of RINO Jeb Bush as presidential material.

By Rob Janicki

If you weren't thrilled to death with the prospect of Jeb Bush running for the Republican presidential nomination, this news ought to push you over the edge into full blown rejection of Jeb Bush, besides his positions supporting illegal immigration amnesty and common core standards to even further dumb down American students.

On April 9, Michael Bloomberg delcared his friend Jeb Bush the best GOP candidate for president.
To be precise, Bloomberg cited Bush and Hillary Clinton as the only truly “worthy” candidates, in his view.“Hillary and Jeb are the only two who know how to make the trains run,” said Bloomberg.

Bloomberg's comments on Jeb Bush could well be the deserved death knell for Jeb Bush's dynastic campaign to further advance the Bush brand in the history books.  When the rumors first went out that Jeb Bush was even remotely considering a run at the Republican nomination for president, the first thought that entered my mind was short and to the point.  I thought Jeb Bush had to be crazy.  The Bush brand has been irreparably damaged for at least another generation, if not longer.  

The Bush name is radioactive, not only among Democrats, but far too many independents and Republicans.  It is becoming even more questionable if Jeb Bush can even make it through the Republican presidential primary.  The most recent polling indicates that 42% of Republicans would not vote for Jeb under any circumstances.  That is an astounding percentage of Republicans that already oppose Jeb Bush.  I must be one of the 42%, since my vote in California is meaningless when it comes to a presidential election and I simply would not vote for Jeb either in the California Republican presidential primary or the presidential election in November 2016.

Lest anyone forget, it was Michael Bloomberg that wanted to determine what New Yorkers could eat and not eat.  Additionally, it was Bloomberg that organized and continues to fund a national anti-gun group to the tune of tens of millions of dollars annually, which has as its sole purpose, attacking the 2nd Amendment and the individual right to bear arms, even in self defense.  

Bush's record as governor of Florida is touted as his main claim to fame, even though Bush has been out of office since early 2007.  Bush's accomplishments as governor really don't carry over to a complete and current view of national issues.  Bush epitomizes the acronym, RINO, Republican In Name Only.  America doesn't need a choice between a liberal Democrat and liberal RINO in the person of Jeb Bush.  It's time to give a America a chance to make a clear cut distinction between what it means to be conservative and what liberal progressivism has already done to set America on a path to self destruction as a model of European socialism.

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