On Wednesday, President Obama could not hide his disdain and barely held his temper when he responded with obvious masked anger to a provocative question from journalist Major Garrett, formerly of Fox News and now Chief White House Correspondent with CBS News and Correspondent at Large with the National Journal.
What got President Petty so exercised that he responded by scolding Major Garrett as if it were Garrett who was behaving in a juvenile manner? Garrett asked an admittedly uneasy question. However, in reality it was Obama, who was showing his lack of presidential decorum in responding with a scolding of Garrett and telling Major that he should know better than to ask such a question. Apparently tough questions, as uneasy as they may be, are out of bounds for our Narcissist in Chief.
Essentially, Garrett asked President Spiteful why nothing of substance was done or seriously attempted in the nuclear negotiations with Iran, to seek the release of the four Americans held captive by Iran on trumped up political charges. Considering that this issue concerns millions of Americans that have come out in support of the release of these Americans, Obama chose to dismiss the question and instead, attack the questioner.
Watch the wheels fall off Obama's press conference as he stoops to denigrate Major Garrett and talk down to him. The rest of the press conference was nothing more than a sales pitch by Obama to convince Americans that he has brought forward an epic event in foreign policy diplomacy leading to peace, rather than war. This was Obama's repetitive mantra. It's either this peace accord or war with Iran. Of course this is a false narrative called the "either/or" fallacy in logic and reason.